Helen Mrema


Regional Campaign Manager (North Country)

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Helen Mrema is a Community Organizing Advocate at the ACLU of New Hampshire. Helen is committed to being of service and accessible to the communities they serve in many forms. Their top priority is advocating for community representation at every level of decision-making. This begins with creating tools and developing programing that make information, knowledge, and language accessible for all. The goal is to empower community engagement and collaboration in these decision-making spaces. Reimaging public safety must be rooted in community input on topics and processes that impact us the most. "Nothing about us without us is for us."

Helen was previously a member of the Charleston People's Budget Coalition, a united front of grassroots and community partners advocating for equitable city budgets, the elimination of poverty and racial disparities in public safety, and the redistribution of power to create true accountability with city officials and public systems in Charleston County, South Carolina.

Prior to this, Helen served as the Criminal Justice Advocate at the ACLU of Tennessee, where they co-designed dynamic and sustainable issue-based campaigns that supported pressing policy, legal, and legislative strategies. They received their Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Helen was born and raised in Uppsala, Sweden and is of Tanzanian decent. As with most people born in a country separate from their country of ancestry, Helen’s relationship with identity and belonging is constantly evolving. They are deeply grateful for their parents, Frank and Tamari Mrema, for nurturing their deep Tanzanian roots and surrounding their existence with the consistent presence of their culture, language and wisdom. Their strength keeps Helen grounded. 

Helen draws inspiration from community, especially from their children---both human and furry. Isabelle teaches them everything about life and balance. Isabelle is a brilliant artist who harbors a level of wisdom that far outpaces her years in this world. Noah teaches them how to harness their passion and to push back at the slightest injustice. He holds everyone accountable for their inconsistencies—yes, E-VER-Y-ONE! Judah teaches Helen how to live life completely liberated and unapologetic. He lives for joy with no hesitation, no exceptions!