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November 6, 2024

CONCORD, N.H. - Below is a statement from Devon Chaffee, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, on the results of the 2024 election.

“For 105 years nationwide and 56 years in New Hampshire, the ACLU has been a fearless defender of our constitutional freedoms and has a long record of fighting politicians’ abuses of power - and we are not stopping now. 

“We know that a second Trump Administration represents a clear and present danger to our country’s democratic processes and institutions. It represents unspeakably cruel proposals on some of the civil rights we hold most dear.

“But together, we are stronger and we are ready. The ACLU has a roadmap to defend our rights beginning on Inauguration Day - and we are ready to take action.

“Many Granite Staters feel deeply emotional and distressed about this result - and we want to assure them: you are not alone, and we will advocate alongside you for our civil rights and liberties every single day.

“In New Hampshire’s gubernatorial race, we look forward to working with Governor-elect Ayotte on protecting and advancing civil rights and liberties in the Granite State. On the campaign trail, she pledged that she will not allow the continued erosion of abortion rights in the state of New Hampshire and we, alongside the vast majority of Granite Staters who support these rights, will hold her accountable to those promises. 

“We know that on a federal stage, we will continue to see horrific proposals and acts directed at immigrants, but we urge Governor-elect Ayotte and the state legislature to listen to New Hampshire’s diverse immigrant communities and Granite Staters who have made clear that the policies advanced in recent years harm, rather than help, our state.

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting everyone's constitutional rights to liberty, justice, and equality in the Granite State - and we will continue to hold all politicians in New Hampshire responsible for these values.”

View the national ACLU’s full statement on President-elect Trump’s win here.

The ACLU of New Hampshire is a non-partisan organization and does not support, oppose, or endorse candidates for elected office